To start off, here are my last two days of the 365 photo challenge. Most people are doing this as a self portrait challenge... but I wanted to just document life and photograph whatever moved me, sometimes using the prompt from
Anna, and sometimes just going on a tangent of my own. So far I've used the prompts for inspiration. My day 2 photo was based on the lyrics from the Michael Jackson song "Man in the Mirror." I'm so loving the look of 'photographer me' in the mirror! I'm just learning proper photography skills, and I can't wait to practice and improve over the year. Hope there's lots more of me and a camera this year. :)

Day 3's prompt was about imperfection. I find I'm constantly critiquing my scrapbook layouts and 'art'... and I just need to not worry about it so much! Especially lately, since I've been taking part in lots of challenges. I sometimes forget that the challenge is about inspiration and creating, not about winning... must learn to embrace the imperfections that I create. So i took a photo of a recent mini album I put together. It's chipping, which bugged me at first... but now I think it adds character :)
Finally, I decided to take a cue from
Ali Edwards and come up with One Little Word to define my year by. I came up with
harmonize. I was originally going to use 'organize' but that sounded too harsh. I do want to organize, but not overly... just to the point where my life is in
harmony. You should all come up with a word for your years!!
<3 Gillian
P.S. If you are a crafty person, but are looking for some ideas and inspiration, then check out Courtney DeLaura's
Project 52. A year long tutorial site, it's fabulous!! You won't regret it ;)
I totally think the chips add character. I chip my stuff on purpose sometimes.
I love your look at winning. I think its so easy to think of our work as less when we dont win... when in reality we all won because we created something beautiful and unique.
I sooo agree with you on imperfections !
I love your photos, their fantastic. I love your take on challenges, very positive!
check you out rockin' the 365....awesome!!
love the way you are doing the date!!
I think that is a great word! Yea I am going with things I see in my life rather than just pictures of me....
I love the chips....definitely adds character!
It is so cool that everybody is around with the 365! I'm doing it also so check out my blog this week if you need some inspiration.
Mika (www.mikascrap.typepad.com)
Harmonize...great word...great goal. I'm so glad you're blogging Gill, I've missed all our Comox friends and this helps us feel a little closer to 'home'.
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