But on a happier note, I've kept up my 365 photos! I really need to start challenging myself at taking more artistic, quality photos, instead of just snapping something random. I've gotten lazy with that the past few days, but I'm still taking pics, and that's a good thing. I have *counts* 355 (i think that's right) days left to improve my skills :) So here are my last couple days worth:

And that is my 365 so far! I'm still impressed that I'm keeping up, GO ME! Now if only I can show so much dedication to my health... I did workout yesterday, and get a walk in today though... so that's good! To help with my weight loss/healthy living goals, I'm going to add a sidebar here at the blog, so I can be held accountable for my actions and you guys feel free to get on me if I don't keep up with it!
Enjoy your weekend!
<3 Gillian
P.S. My sis has a great post up about consuming too much.... go check it out! I agree with and admire everything she says, and I couldn't sum it up any better, so I figured you could just read her thoughts on the matter :) Go here!
Good for you, keeping up with the 365 challenge. And now that I see the photo of you Valentine's ATCs, I sure wish I had signed up for that one!
wow good for you you kept up! I already missed 1! And I also should take more artistic pics, no more snaps but hé can't help it, I am in the same mood as you are. Not due to working out and good food as that makes me feel good!
Hope you'll feel better soon!
You are so not alone in your feeling blah. This time of year is so blah for so many people for so many reasons; however, you are awesome for keeping up with your 365 challenge. I, too, have been keeping up with it, but just barely. Sometimes I'm going to bed and I have to jump up and take my daily photo. I'm not so much trying to improve my photogrophy skills as just recording my year.
Keep up the good work, and you know what? You'll exercise and eat healthy when your ready. don't make it a do or die thing. It's not healthy. :)
nice atc's you made!!! and what a cute doggie!!
Love the pic of you and the pups - hugs to Turner from me!! I will definitely keep on you about the eating and working out and as soon as I'm back we'll hit the trails together - you, me and Nate.
Love the one of you and the 'kids'
I feel your pain, totally know what the winter blues feel like! So sorry you are feeling like... but lookey at you.. keeping up with the 365 challenge! I started, but have already failed, think I'm going to do the 52 one.. LOL! I especially liked the picture of you and your dog, cute! Good luck on the healthy living.. workin' on that too :)
Great that your doing the 365 day's. If you like you can check out my blog for some 365 inspiration. Mika (www.mikascrap.typepad.com)
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