Hey all! Hope you all had a fabulous weekend! Mine wasn't too bad. I did some scrapping, a whole lot of World of Warcraft playing (still on the lookout for other people who scrap and play WoW.. are you out there? lol) and whole lot of
NOT CLEANING. Oops! I'm pretty sure I was supposed to take down my Christmas tree and clean up my scrap stuff. Speaking of my scrap stuff, I would like to report that it has now taken over both the kitchen table
and the coffee table. Brandon now has nowhere to eat... and I'm not gonna lie, he's a bit cranky about it! lol But he still ooh's and aah's when I create new layouts and projects, and loves me regardless of my crazy scrap obsession :) In my final piece of scrapbooking news, there was a cyber crop yesterday and today over at
Coordinates Collections and one of the challenges they had going on was to scrap a quote by someone. I, of course, chose my fabulous sister to scrap! I chose a goofy pic of her and scrapped one of her best blond moments (although she's not blond!)

Basically the quote is from the time when my sister thought she'd come up with a fabulous idea for 'individual sized servings of potato chips' ... until she noticed us all staring at her. I politely responded with "You mean like the little bags you can get in EVERY SINGLE STORE!!" lol Ah, it was a great moment, and I truly love to harass her about it (I love you Jen!), she will be so pleased that it is immortalized on a scrap page now! Haha!
NOTE: sorry about the crap photo of the layout, I took it at night since I needed to submit the layout for the challenge by midnight, and it was already dark. I would have retaken it tomorrow for the blog, but we all know i'm lazy and i'd probably forget :PAs I was doing my daily blog surfing today I noticed this little doo-dad over at
Kerry's blog. She tagged anyone who wanted to, so I figured I would do it, since it's late at night and I have nothing more to say :P
8 Passions in my life:
my boyfriend
my bond with my sister
scrapbooking and creating
loving and caring for animals
country music
being a Cleveland Browns fan
being a good friend
8 Things to do before I die:go back to Australia
take a cruise
open a shelter/foster home for homeless cats
work at/for some type of scrapbooking company
have children and raise them well
live with my sister again (well, not with, but very very near)
Become Mrs. Brandon Querin
own a bulldog
8 things I often say:WOOT!
I'm not gonna lie..
I'll cut you!
You're such a nub
Pulling in 5 (you'd get it if you were a WoW nerd like me :P)
You no tell me "insert adjective here" (always said with a foreign accent)
I just love you, love you, love you! (to animals and nephew)
8 books {and/or magazines} I’ve read recently:The Devil Wears Prada
Understanding Exposure
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (wow,that was in July, i don't read enough! lol)
Creating Keepsakes
Scrapbooks Etc
Memory Makers
Simple Scrapbooks
do board books with my nephew count? lol I've read lots of those!
8 Songs that mean something to me:Unwell - Matchbox Twenty (this is my theme song, or it was when i was sick and depressed)
All Jacked Up - Gretchen Wilson (my party anthem)
My Best Friend - Tim McGraw (mine and Brandon's song)
Your Kiss is on my List - Hall & Oates
Landslide - The Dixie Chicks
I Need You - Backstreet Boys (reminds me of my youth! :P)
Where The Green Grass Grows - Tim McGraw (My sister will know why I love this one.... "Point our rocket ships towards the west" :P lol)
Back 2 Good - Matchbox Twenty
8 Qualities I look for in a friend:silliness
a big heart
good hugger
wild and crazy
I'm supposed to now tag 8 people, but I won't, I just want as many people who want to do it, to link me up, so I can read them :)
Jen, this does mean you :P
I will leave you with my last 2 365 pics.
The simple pleasures in life... using the laptop in bed, with a warm, soft cat on your lap! :)
I'm not sure how I scrap in this mess... but I love, love, love it!!Hope you all have a great Monday!
<3 Gillian