Well, I am back!! Due to some not-so-gentle persuasion from my new buddy Rae-Lynn, I have decided to blog and update everyone on my (boringish) life. I've been pretty busy the past month! I've started working quite a bit at the
Scrapbook store and also spending lots of time prepping for classes at the store. I taught my first class which went fairly well and have both a cards class and a mothers day acrylic album in the works for next month :) I took a significant break from scrapping anything for myself for awhile, due to working on store stuff too much, but went to a weekend long crop hosted by one of my friends and got a lot done. I will take pics of those on Friday, if it's sunny and get them posted :)
In other fabulous scrappy news, I found out that I'M BEING PUBLISHED!!!! WOOHOO!! I will have a layout featured in Becky's Sketch of the August issue of Creating Keepsakes. I'm SO excited about this! :) I don't plan on submitting for magazines a lot, since I want to just scrap for me, but I am very happy about being published once, just to say I did it. I also have a fabulous (if I do say so myself... which I don't normally about my own work, but I particularly loved this one) layout under consideration with Canadian Scrapbooker, so keep your fingers crossed for that one. If I don't hear back from them I will post it here for you guys, because I'm super proud of it.
One last scrappy tidbit before I move on... the premiere issue of
Scrap n' Art came out today! It's pretty cool, so you should definitely all check it out if you haven't already :) Loads of great layouts and projects in there, as well as some fun tips, techniques and interviews.

So what else have I been spending my time doing? Mostly just chilling with my nephew :D He is way too adorable and my sister and I have too much fun playing with him and laughing, so I spend LOTS of time at their place. I'm sure my boyfriend gets jealous, that's how much time I spend there! lol That adorable picture of him is from yesterday, and was my 365 photo for the day. He was playing with my sunglasses and looks WAY too cute. I could probably share adorable photos of him with you all day long, but I don't want to seem repetitive (or make Rae-Lynn jealous of how cute he is), so i'll just leave it at that!
I've been keeping up on my 365 challenge, though i'll admit, many of my photos are pretty uninspired lately. I'm hoping to get some mojo back now that its spring! Here are a few of my favourites from the past month to finish things up:

Happy Tuesday!
<3 Gillian
P.S. For you local scrappers, i'm working at Scrapbook Central tomorrow, so come visit!!