The past month (in which I didn't blog at all... oops! lol) was spent having fabulous times with my best friend in the whole, wide world... my sister, Jen. On September 6th she left for her husband's military posting in Cold Lake, Alberta... which, in my opinion, is WAY too far away from Comox. I will miss her terribly, and won't even begin to go into how much she means to me, as I will cry and it will get too sappy around here! lol
Instead, I will tell you about the fabulous month we had together, along with some of our other best friends. Jen and I started the month in Cold Lake, along with Nate and Dale, for their house hunting trip. And though Cold Lake is not a fabulous place to visit, we managed to enjoy making fun of weird hairdo's at restaurants, visiting the beach, having a blast at a kids playground (it's so great to have a baby to take as an excuse to use play equipment!) and a chat-filled 3 hour ride back to Edmonton.
When we arrived back from Cold Lake, our Dad had just arrived in Comox for a visit! Spending time with my sister and my Dad together is always a treat (and, luckily in a month I get to do the same with my Mom and sister! Yay!! :D), and we had some good chats and made good memories. We also put on a joint birthday party for Nate and our friend Laurel's son, G, who are a few months apart. It was cowboy themed, and we dressed the boys up in Cowboy hats and bandanas. Too cute! It was fun getting to plan everything and make invitations with Jen and Laurel.
I also fit in as much time as I could just hanging with Nate and Jen. Doing everyday, little things... like putting Nate to bed, eating lunch together, bringing Jen coffee, sitting and going over photos, teaching Nate new games and things to say/do, and basically just enjoying my family. We even got tattoos to go along with an inside joke we have and one of our songs. They are memories I will never forget :)
The last week that Jen was here was spent with our friends... we had a few different goodbye parties, which were a blast! It really made me realize what a great group of friends that I have made here. Jen and I have never really had the same group of friends to hang out with, so the past years with all of our scrapbook buddies (especially the past year with Rae-Lynn and Laurel) has just been amazing. The four of us have a blast together just chilling, talking about anything (and I mean ANYTHING! lol) and poking fun at eachother. I'm sure Laurel, Rae-Lynn and I will continue to be close (and, actually, i look forward to getting much closer to Laurel in particular, as I don't know her near as well as I would like) now that Jen is gone... but I feel it just won't be the same without Jen. We'll have to take turns now being confused ;)

So, before I keep rambling on and on... here's to my friends! Jen, Laurel and Rae-Lynn... I love you all, and am so glad that we all came together over the past year. I can't wait until Christmas when we can all be together again! *hugs*
<3 Gillian
P.S. Now that my sister is gone, i have WAY more free time, so i'll be getting back to posting photos and my scrapbook layouts here again. So check back ;)